Launched in 2022,
BlackLantic is an online organization in Atlantic Canada dedicated to highlighting the diversity of the Black experience and countering stereotypes. Their mission involves amplifying Black voices, fostering understanding, and promoting inclusion while connecting communities. They offer weekly content featuring various discussions related to Black experiences in the region and beyond.
As a Brand that has established ourselves in our space, we have have earned the right to be here, and now need your support to continue to grow. Please support our visions/goals with an ongoing, or one-time donation.
We are a grassroots organization that has produced 60 episodes and even more hours of content, committed to expanding Black voices and other Visible Minorities in East Coast Canada with through partnerships with New Brunswick Education, Providing Resources, Speaking Events, Entertainments, Panels, Event Coverage, and a networking Hub for like-minded individuals. We continue to work with partners like CBC and Rogers to highlight unheard voices.
Take a look at ways to be a part of what we do.
We are looking for English and French contributors from all four Atlantic Provinces to help us keep our ear to the Oceans (see what we did there?). We are looking for blog writers, modern-day journalists, guests, or anyone with contributable media skills/experiences.

Would you like to advertise with us? Get in touch to find out more.