On our page, one specific man has continued to comment on our posts about how we are the actual racists because we hate white people. Clinton and I both being half white, that is incorrect and simply impossible. This last post is the straw that broke the camels back, and I have not only banned him, but will dissect how wildly incorrect the post is below:
"No one cares that one of you is allegedly black. No one cares about the color of your skin. I think you're unable to comprehend what the backlash is really all about. When you make a podcast that is dedicated to claiming you're a victim and your life is so hard because all the white people around you are evil, well you're going to find that we are not all weak and ready to bow to you. Those of us who can think for ourselves understand clearly that this is a culture war and you are trying to make innocent people feel bad for something that simply doesn't exist today. There is no systemic racism. In fact, blacks are being treated like such babies, that you have even MORE opportunity than a light skinned person today. So when people like me have the courage to call you out on your BS, it's because we won't let you call us racist and just take it like we deserve it. You are literally judging others by the colour of their skin. Everything is about skin color to you. That's fucking racism. Get it through your thick skull that people can oppose you for more reasons than your skin being dark. Get a goddamn grip. You're a grown ass man. Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming everyone else for your problems. Be a man."
Now let's break this down line by line:
"No one cares that one of you is allegedly black." - We aren't "allegedly" black. I believe both Clinton and myself identify as Black people though we are "lightskinned" or "mixed".
"No one cares about the color of your skin." - Since I've been called a n*gger three times in the past, and a cotton picker before, clearly someone DOES care.
"I think you're unable to comprehend what the backlash is really all about." - This comment is in regards to an actress being cast as a Star Wars character, which...why is there racism in a fictional world? And if we can't comprehend the backlash, why don't you enlighten us, wise one?
"When you make a podcast that is dedicated to claiming you're a victim and your life is so hard because all the white people around you are evil, well you're going to find that we are not all weak and ready to bow to you." - Black people are disproportionately treated lesser than white people by colonial systems. I don't think white people are evil, I think historically white people have treated Black people worse. That rarely happens to be someone I know. I certainly have never expected anyone to bow to me, though that would be sort of dope.
"Those of us who can think for ourselves understand clearly that this is a culture war and you are trying to make innocent people feel bad for something that simply doesn't exist today." - racism exists today. I don't want anyone to feel bad for their ancestors being racist, or for historical systemic racism. I want people to care about equality, equity, work toward advancing the lives of those disproportionately mistreated so we can all live a better quality of life. Also, what is a culture war? What war? Black people are killed in their sleep by cops. Indigenous people, like Chantel Moore, are murdered by cops - white cops. White young men become mass shooters in the states more often than any terrorist of colour. These are active aggressions against groups of people because of their skin. If it's not that, then what is the root cause? Unfortunately because of the white supremacists systems in place, even white lower or middle class people do not get the mental health supports they need, or financial supports to end cycles of poverty and then these people can turn to coping by substance abuse, violence, etc. and that can be turned and targeted to others who have it worse than them - us.
"There is no systemic racism. In fact, blacks are being treated like such babies, that you have even MORE opportunity than a light skinned person today." - The fact that this person can comment this and make me feel threatened and worries about their behaviour is proof that systemic racism, racism, hatred exist. "Blacks" are not being treated like babies. Black people are finally being shown some compassion, decency and respect by allies, corporations, organizations, while extremists like this racist commenter are also ramping up and creating a more volatile situation.
"So when people like me have the courage to call you out on your BS, it's because we won't let you call us racist and just take it like we deserve it." - My guy you are the epitome of racist. As our biggest fan, you comment nightly at 4am to tell us how awful we are (while giving us engagement so thank you) and telling us that WE hate white people when our families, friends, loved ones are white people. You spit vitriol at us for simply having a platform to let people of colour speak their minds, share ideas, be creators and tell their stories and you do not get to define our lived truths. You can waste your time commenting nightly about why we are apparently lying racists (although whoops I blocked you!) but it won't ever stop Black people, or any other marginalized group, from coming together and rising above what you say.
"You are literally judging others by the colour of their skin. Everything is about skin color to you. That's fucking racism." - When have we judged white people? Or any people on this show?
"Get it through your thick skull that people can oppose you for more reasons than your skin being dark." - People oppose me personally because I am a loud, Black, French speaking, Queer woman...I don't need to be Black for people to oppose me. But these comments aren't just opposition or a difference of opinion. They are hatred, claiming that we are the ones spreading it in an effort to gaslight us.
"Get a goddamn grip. You're a grown ass man. Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming everyone else for your problems. Be a man." - Now, this was for Clinton, but I am responding. Clinton has never blamed anyone else for his problems, and the post in question isn't even about... Clinton or his problems? It's about a Black actress being called the N word for having a role in a Star Wars film...which is about a fictional world with robots and species that don't even exist.
Since February we have let this man go on commenting, but my patience has run thin. I am tired of waking up and feeling attacked and rolling my eyes because he isn't even worth that much energy. BlackLantic, Clinton and I, are not racist in any way, shape, or form. My love for white people (in some ways, unfortunately) has lived much longer than my love for Black people because of my own internalized racism. White people can also suffer at the hands of systemic oppression, because it puts value on the white, elite, 1% and not the working class, the poor, anyone with substance use issues, or mental health issues. Our system supports those who have it easier, and unfortunately for a lot of people, being white has been one less issue that people have had to worry about. That is white privilege - your life wasn't necessarily easy, but you didn't have to worry about being Black on top of it. This man, who is clearly delusional, can pretend racism doesn't exist but slavery happened, people have been lynched, the KKK has existed in New Brunswick, I have personally been called the N word three times and one of those times was at the age of TWO YEARS OLD. No one will tell me that my experience is not the truth it is, or that I hate white people.
So, to our number one fan, sorry that I banned you. Find somewhere's else to be delusional!
